For a reflective review of DIVRS' 2015-2016 year,  view the tab above 'About Us' and you will be able to download the 2016 Annual Review.

Darebin Information Volunteer Resource Service has built on its existing programmes, expertise and capacity, transforming how we explore alternative ways to deliver support for our clients in our youth, emergency relief, urban food and essential community services.

Australian society is rapidly changing. We do not always get it right, nor can we always provide the level of support needed. That's why it is essential we continue to work in partnership with Government, philanthropy and community organisations. It is in the alchemy of collective experience and professionalism that DIVRS delivers incredibly powerful outcomes. 

Over the coming 12 months we will continue development and establish an Urban Food Social Enterprise. As a social innovation, it has the potential to be transformative in connecting and engaging multiple sectors of the community in building a sustainable food system in Darebin. In all we do, we will intentionally create capacity for replication so that we can share successes and learning.

We can change the paradigm and the response to vulnerable families who are socially excluded in Australia, community by community.    We learn by doing, refining and improving.

None of our work would be possible without the support of dedicated volunteers and staff and the generous giving in both time and money from all sections of the community.

Our community and Council has enabled us to achieve excellent results over many years and the past 12 months has been no exception.

I would like to thank our Chair, David Redfearn, for his support and the Committee for their countless hours and expertise, which they give freely.  Experts individually in their fields, their collective wisdom ensures good governance and a strong strategic approach to our development.

I am most grateful for the trust and confidence of our supporters, team and colleagues. It is a pleasure to serve Darebin community and this very passionate organisation.

Managers Review, Freedom Preston

Managers Review, Freedom Preston